Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Onward and Upward

So I'm sitting here and I realize it's 2005 and I haven't written a thing in my blog in 2 months. Well here I am. Got past the writers block I was having a litle difficulty with and now I'v got all sorts of ideas I'm trying to sort out and organize into something that might entertain. Aside from that things are pretty much the same as always and since I didn't mention anything about my life to begin with you can pick your own baseline from which to start.

I saw a pretty amazing show at the Museum of Science and Industry (a favorite place for fieldtrips when I was a kid) this weekend, Body works. Amazing what they can do with the human body, a saw and some glue. Really incredible stuff. I highly recommend it but you might want to leave the younguns at home for fear you let them out of your site you might end up with a preserved pee pee guy in your back seat.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Circling the Drain

I'm sitting here full of creative thoughts that for some reason don't want to squish through onto paper or the keyboard and it's pretty damn frustrating. I seem to be lacking some focus to get most of these half baked ideas out. I know they're there I can feel them. I get that excited "Christmas morning when I was a kid," feeling and then blammo, nothing.

I guess I'll just keep on writing my jibba jabba (thank you Mr. T) and see of the cork pops off. But when it does, oh mercy, is there gonna be some writing to do. I assume other folks have creative blocks and get through them ok. I just have to bide my time and be patient. I think a beer would be good about now. later.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Dual of the Waiting Ladies

Here's a little fodder for amusement. A first draft full of mindless scribble. Enjoy.

The Dual of the Waiting Ladies

Angelica waited. She watched as she did every morning, waiting for the battle to be over. What was the morning if not for the pride of victory. She sat and she waited diabolically calculating her next move, which inevitably was to do nothing.

Resting within her trusty stead, her heart pounded heavily in her aged chest. The air inside was flooded thickly with perfume reminescent of a field of plastic flowers coated with sugar and baby powder. Mint wrappers with snipped and torn coupons littered the floor underneath folded brown paper shopping bags and the occasional babushka. She had done her homework. She was ready.Her position, not overly fortified, but picked with precision was on a short crowded stretch with a single inlet. It was perfect for the quick start when the action unfolded.

She checked her make-up in the rearview mirror, running her middle finger across the puffy pad underneath her right eye to correct a glob of mascara that had broken free in her excitement. Her pale skin, cris-crossed with fine wrinkles, seemed light, almost powdered but this was just her. When she was young her mother would constantly pinch her cheeks to get some color in the almost ghostly features. Having white-blonde hair, on top of that, only made matters worse. If children knew what an albino was back then she surely would've been scarred for life. Nowadays her hair was a dry gray-blonde devoid of life as it quietly edged along her face.

Suddenly a murder of crows feet appeared at the corners of her eyes like tracks in the deep snow. She was no longer alone and the battle was immenent. The morning sun gleaned off the metallic white skin of her Toyota as she felt her blood rush through her narrowed viens. Her eyes scanned and her nose twitched as her hand slid down gently tucking a copy of Sun Tsu's "Art of War" deeper between the seats.

Rolling down the road in a menacing crawl was the long awaited enemy, the sinister Willamena. Her dark eyes smoldered as she sat within her flat, champaign colored Reliant K, searching out her nemesis. Her black mane cropped short blended magically with her black coat resembling, except for the gray hairs, a suit of armour, the black knight.

Three full sized and a spare came to rest in a dry pile of autumn leaves smelling partially crisp and partially rotten. Strewn all over, the fallen soldiers stack and swirl and decay on the field like so many before them. On the cool air is the breath of anticipation, the air of adventure and glory, the gusting of war.

The deep, hard flicker of false eyelashes slashed through the pine scented interior of her reliable economy class vehicle as she surveyed the scene and noticed her ancient enemy, watching, waiting. The creases around her unnaturally pink lips showed like scars from battle as she lit her cigarette revealing alligator skin from years spent in the sun.

Hands sprinkled with brown age spots gripped tightly on the leopard patterned steering wheel cover while her orthopedic loafers fidgeted nervously between the gas and brake. Her blue polyester slacks started to feel warm as a hot flash enveloped her. She opened the door and cursed the broken window handle knowing that opening the door might be seen as a sign of weakness.

Looking to see Angelica's reaction to the venting, the cigarette popped out of her mouth and onto the ground outside. Her eyes widened in horror but she acted calm. Leaning out of the car to pick it up, she clenched it between her fingers but as she sat back up the automatic seatbelt scrolled across her head and dispalced her hairpiece so it covered her eyes and revealed a nylon cap with hairclips underneath.

In her world, Angelica was in a fit of laughter until she realized she had thoroughly filled her adult diaper and quickly became sullen. She squirmed for a comfortable position that would not squish her payload as Willamena attempted to rectify her wig so it didn't look like some sort of falling animal.

As both women were distracted, an oblivious young woman trudged from her apartment to her car and pulled from her spot. The sudden motion stopped both women cold as their joints locked to attention.Angelica glowered into Willamena's eyes and was met with an angry stare. Their feet hit the pedals hard and fast as the battle had begun.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Life and Times

Being that this is my first entry in my first blog aside from a minor heckling posted to a friends blog I suppose I should be writing something profound. Unfortunately I'm feeling about as creative as captain Kirks dialogue writer. See what I mean? That's terrible. Anyway I guess I just needed enough to get the ball rolling. Onward and upward.